January 28, 2008


We had leftover phyllo pastry from December so my sister has been requesting for baklavas. I've never made baklavas before and this would just be my second time to work with phyllo pastry. The first time was just a forgettable experience. It just way difficult to work with thawed phyllo pastry especially when theyve stuck together --its way difficult to pull them off one another.

This time, the box specifically said not to freeze! So goodie! When we opened the box, the sheets were dry and just perfect. Buttered and cut the sheets, put in walnuts mixed with some sugar and cinnamon and then put in more sheets. Baked in 190 degrees for 15 minutes or golden brown. Honey should be drizzled after the baklavas have been cooled but we were too excited to try it out so we just squirted extra light whipped cream...

My sister and I found the phyllo pastry a tad salty but it cut through the sweetness a bit which was good.

It's a versatile pastry which can be used with fruits or savory! oh oh! which reminds me --I think Jamaican patties use phyllo pastry to make those nifty beef pies (something i just ate for breakfast today!)

Overall a good experiment. Phyllo is not so hard to work with. Just remember to store it properly.

January 3, 2008

New Offering for the New Year!

We have exciting news from Quintbelles! We understand that every occasion simply cannot go without the perfect cake and we're very happy to bake and decorate cakes with the same love and attention our clients give their loved ones. They are the ones who continue to inspire us! We promise to strive harder to improve ourselves this coming year.

One of our biggest news is that we can now decorate cakes and cookies with photos! We've always been asked to make those nifty cookies with famous characters photos but unfortunately we did not have the equipment to do so (besides having to deal with character licenses.) But we recently invested in edible ink printer!

Now we can make cakes and cookies with photos of parents, siblings, friends (or enemies!). We can even make cakes with company logos! Unlimited possibilities!

For sample cakes, please visit this site.