July 26, 2011

Threadcakes Contest

Have you heard about Threadless?  It's an apparel store that sells shirts designed by a online community and voted on by the public.  The creators of the winning designs receive a cash prize and store credit-- of course, bragging rights come with it as well. 

To make things more fun for the fans (say that ten times!),  Chris Cardinal hosted a cake contest based on Threadless shirt designs.  Threadless and other sponsors donate prizes!  And the amazing part is famous cakers judge the entries! Nicole of Baking Bites, Jen of Cakewrecks, Mary Alice of Charm City Cakes and Bakerella of the cakepops fame.  Fun, right? 

July 14, 2011

Smart Parenting Feature

Smart Parenting featured Quintbelles (and Elaine Shih) on their SP Momtrepreneurs:

For the full interview, please visit the site.

Her business idea: Quintbelles Celebration Cakes makes customized cakes for any occasion.  We customize based on a theme, a specific design or a character.  We use homemade style of baking which gives the cake the distinct flavour and personal touch to ensure that no detail is overlooked. 

How she started: I learned how to bake along with my sisters when we were still in school. One summer, we were feeling adventurous and decided to try to bake a cake. That started a hobby that turned into a passion. When my sisters and I made my wedding cake, we decided to put up a business. Quintbelles was born. The name “Quintbelles” came from “5 sisters” to represent our common love for baking. 

Her future plans: I want our business to grow at a gradual pace and eventually put up a store. To prepare for this eventuality, I want to continuously master my craft by refining my techniques in cake design. 

Work-life balance: Prioritization is key. It’s really difficult to balance family and career. I used to be part of the corporate world while Quintbelles was in its infancy but decided to            do my business full-time two years ago. Although I really love to bake cakes, family time is very important for me.  That is why I do not accept a large number of orders. 
My husband is also a great help in taking care of our son especially when I am busy with baking. My son is my greatest fan! He even markets our products to his classmates and their moms. 

Memorable Cake: I baked a huge choo-choo train cake filled with candies for my son’s first birthday. It was a big hit! 

Tips for Mompreneurs: We should remember to allot time for ourselves.  I believe a happy mom makes a happy home. Take some time off once in a while to relax and unwind.