July 14, 2011

Smart Parenting Feature

Smart Parenting featured Quintbelles (and Elaine Shih) on their SP Momtrepreneurs:

For the full interview, please visit the site.

Her business idea: Quintbelles Celebration Cakes makes customized cakes for any occasion.  We customize based on a theme, a specific design or a character.  We use homemade style of baking which gives the cake the distinct flavour and personal touch to ensure that no detail is overlooked. 

How she started: I learned how to bake along with my sisters when we were still in school. One summer, we were feeling adventurous and decided to try to bake a cake. That started a hobby that turned into a passion. When my sisters and I made my wedding cake, we decided to put up a business. Quintbelles was born. The name “Quintbelles” came from “5 sisters” to represent our common love for baking. 

Her future plans: I want our business to grow at a gradual pace and eventually put up a store. To prepare for this eventuality, I want to continuously master my craft by refining my techniques in cake design. 

Work-life balance: Prioritization is key. It’s really difficult to balance family and career. I used to be part of the corporate world while Quintbelles was in its infancy but decided to            do my business full-time two years ago. Although I really love to bake cakes, family time is very important for me.  That is why I do not accept a large number of orders. 
My husband is also a great help in taking care of our son especially when I am busy with baking. My son is my greatest fan! He even markets our products to his classmates and their moms. 

Memorable Cake: I baked a huge choo-choo train cake filled with candies for my son’s first birthday. It was a big hit! 

Tips for Mompreneurs: We should remember to allot time for ourselves.  I believe a happy mom makes a happy home. Take some time off once in a while to relax and unwind.

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