May 17, 2011

Ace of Cakes

There are a lot of good decorators in the world. Famous on their own right. One of my favorites is Duff Goldman. He's a badass decorator-- lights, digital frames, rotating parts, fireworks! He does them all. Besides his own reality tv show, he also has his own line of decorating stuff and book (thanks, Joe!). They also have Cakes for Two (actually for 15!).

The best thing about him (and his show), is that as a decorator, we can relate to his "issues". One example was when he had to do horizontal designs on a cake and he's been wondering how to hide the ends of each line! I've always wondered about those and guess what, he doesn't know either. So, do you know what he did? He called up Collete Peters (another institutional name!) and asked what to do with that bit. Surprisingly, Ms. Peters told him there's gonna be that annoying imperfection and just put it on the back! How cool is that! Photographic sides are the norm! :)

You know how we prefer not to do mini cakes? His crew doesn't like doing them too! It's soooo difficult to make them! Regardless of the size, the effort to do one regular 8" cake is the same as doing a 3" cake.

Ace of Cakes makes me feel assured that we are doing things right! Too bad, they're ending the series. They are, however, opening an East Coast branch (yey for them)!

Charm City Cakes

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